Home > $1,175,000 Following High Impact Accident Due to Negligent Alcohol Service
Bucks County Couple Recovers $1,175,000 Following High Impact Accident Due to Negligent Alcohol Service
Case Type: Personal Injury - Dram Shop Negligent Service
Our clients, a local Bucks County couple, were traveling by car one evening when they were struck head on by another driver at a high rate of speed. In the collision, the female passenger suffered significant injuries, including permanent injuries to her spine.
The defendant and driver of the other vehicle was found to be intoxicated during the accident, which ultimately was found to be the cause of the crash. Further research and depositions uncovered that the defendant was visibly intoxicated at the restaurant establishment she was patronizing that evening, and had been irresponsibly overserved. The establishment deliberately disregarded required alcohol service safety which then led to excessive serving of alcohol.
Our client suffered traumatic perforations to her bowel which required emergency surgery, as well as permanent spinal injuries.
Following nearly twenty depositions and an effective and successful mediation, the case resolved in a settlement of $1,175,000 for our client.
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