People who are severely injured after an accident get rushed to the closest hospital by ambulance. But there are many people who decline an ambulance ride to the hospital after an car accident in Bucks County, PA. Some of these accident victims are embarrassed to take an ambulance, while other injured people have to get home to their young children or get to work for an important meeting.
Although the perfect personal injury case would involve you being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, being rushed from the accident scene to the hospital IS NOT REQUIRED to recover fair compensation (MONEY) for your injuries. Many times people injured in an accident in PA are shaken up and are in a bit of shock after their accident.
Accidents often involved back and neck injuries. Pain from back and neck injuries oftentimes does not set in until later in the day or evening after an accident. If you have not been to a hospital at this point, get yourself to a hospital for an evaluation. At the hospital, the emergency room doctors will evaluate you, take x-rays looking for injuries, and prescribe medication in the form of muscle relaxers and pain medication.
When you are discharged from the hospital, you will be released to deal with your pain. Typically, the first evening after the accident is when the pain really begins to set in. The most important thing to do at this point is to follow the instructions given to you at the hospital.
Prior to being discharged, one of the nurses should have read to you what are known as “discharge instructions” and given you a written copy to take home. Discharge instructions provide you with a description of your injuries, the medications that you should be taking, and instructions on how to treat your injuries.
One common instruction is to follow up with your family doctor. When you return home, you should immediately call your family doctor and set up an appointment. It is important to be assertive with your doctor’s office so that you obtain an appointment within two days.
If you have been injured in a Philadelphia area accident, check out our informative personal injury video library and download a FREE copy of our informative Pennsylvania Accident Book. If your injury case meets our case acceptance guidelines we will schedule you for a free consultation. If we cannot accept your injury case, we will attempt to refer you to another experienced injury attorney who may accept your accident case.