Fractured Tailbone in a Slip and Fall Accident

A tailbone fracture is a very painful injury and can take months to heal. These types of fractures are often the result of either a backwards fall onto a hard surface or a fall from a height. Slipping on ice or wet surfaces is a common cause of a tailbone injury.
Note, if you broke your tailbone in a slip and fall accident that occurred on a business or another party’s property, consult a local injury attorney to discuss your legal options. A tailbone fracture can cause you to miss work and can make life pretty miserable for a while. If the accident was the result of another party’s negligence, you can and should recover compensation for your damages.
Dealing with a Fractured Tailbone
Several small bones comprise the tailbone, or coccyx. After your accident, the physician will look at your medical history, conduct an examination and likely order an X-ray to confirm your fracture. Below are a few common symptoms of tailbone fractures.
- Bruising and swelling around the tailbone
- Pain in the low back region
- Numbness and pain when you try to sit
Many individuals who break their tailbone find that they are unable to sit or stand for any length of time. They usually have to rely on pain medications, use a donut pillow for sitting and limit their normal daily activities. Healing can be slow for tailbone breaks. Unfortunately, exercising patience and allowing your body time to heal are really the only things you can do with these types of fractures.
Was your accident somebody else’s fault?
Did your slip and fall accident occur because a property owner was negligent? For instance, if you slipped at the grocery store because an employee mopped and didn’t put up a warning sign, the property owner may be liable. Or if you were walking into an office building and fell through the shoddy wooden stairs, the property owner might be negligent and therefore liable for your injuries.
The overall damages for a fractured tailbone injury can rack up very quickly. When all is said and done, you might be thousands of dollars in the hole. You owe it to yourself to speak to an attorney and see if there is a way to recover your losses. You might be able to receive compensation not only for medical bills and lost wages, but also for emotional damages such as pain and suffering.
Contact a Slip and Fall Accident Firm
To discuss your case with a slip and fall accident attorney in lehigh valley, call Cordisco & Saile LLC for a free initial consultation. Contact us at today 215-642-2335 to schedule your case evaluation.